What will we be like when we’re 100 years old?

To celebrate the upcoming 100th day of school, Ms. Breeden’s class used the AgingBooth app to see what they would look like when they are 100 years old.  Here are their observations about what they will look like when they are 100.  Enjoy their work!

When we are 100, we…

  • will look all wrinkly.
  • will have scars on our faces.
  • might have bald heads.
  • will need a cane to walk.
  • will have white hair.
  • will be 100.
  • will have curved backs.
  • will be very old.
  • will sit around and wait for our friends.
  • will walk very slowly.
  • will be grandparents.
  • will sit inside and watch TV all day.

What will be like when we’re 100 years old?

To celebrate the upcoming 100th day of school, Mrs. Smith’s class used the AgingBooth app to see what they would look like when they are 100 years old.  Here are their observations about what they will look like when they are 100.  Enjoy their work!

When we are 100, we…

  • will nap a lot.
  • will have 8 dogs.
  • will snore a lot.
  • will have grandchildren.
  • will play video games and watch tv.
  • will have 18 kittens.
  • will be old and wrinkly.
  • will eat a lot and play video games.

What will we look like when we’re 100 years old?

To celebrate the upcoming 100th day of school, Ms. Jones’ class used the AgingBooth app to see what they would look like when they are 100 years old.  Here are their observations about what they will look like when they are 100.  Enjoy their work!

When we are 100, we…

  • will be old.
  • we won’t remember things very well.
  • will use a cane.
  • will have a walker.
  • will have a wheelchair.
  • will be cranky.
  • will have a wrinkly face.
  • will have glasses.
  • will be bigger than we are now.
  • will be a little chubby.

What will we look like when we’re 100 years old?

To celebrate the upcoming 100th day of school, Ms. James’ class used the AgingBooth app to see what they would look like when they are 100 years old.  Here are their observations about what they will look like when they are 100.  Enjoy their work!

When we are 100, we…

  • will have wrinkles all over our faces.  We have smooth faces now.
  • we will look funny.
  • will have gray hair.
  • will walk slowly.  We won’t be able to run.
  • might have a wheel chair.
  • will be really nice because older people are nice.